My journey as a counsellor started at the age of 19 when I enrolled in a TAFE Welfare Certificate in Sydney. I liked working with people; I liked people and still do, and thought I could help. What began was a journey of self and ‘other’ discovery, learning and teaching emotional intelligence and attempting to put this into practice as I went until it became part of my everyday life.
Suffice to say: I choose to practice what I preach, and have had my own journey and development progressing alongside my work, and I haven’t finished yet.
Over 30 years later I have a degree in counselling, a Masters in Couple & Relationship Counselling and many other varied supporting qualifications.
I run a Counselling Practice that I love, and have oodles of experience working in varied settings with both large and small counselling and other agencies in both Sydney and Melbourne. Along the way, I also can claim a loving husband and 3 adorable children. The children are all grown up now but I still call them “my little people” and I am hoping they will always need their mum!
In my life and practice I have chosen a compassionate response to myself and the ‘other’ to create a supportive learning environment for change and growth. I am not sure one can fully guide another’s path if it is first not lived for themselves.
As I live guided by compassion to the best of my ability these skills become transferable from my life as a partner, mother, sister, daughter and any other role I choose, to my work as a counsellor, a group facilitator and a trainer.
I believe, and it is my experience that when we hear something through compassion and even though it hurts, even though it is tough to swallow, or even when it evokes all kinds of fear and shame it is the compassion that allows us to hear our resinating truth.
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